Sunday, February 8, 2009

It's Tender Mercies Time

Yes- do you remember Elder Eyering's talk on the Tender Mercies of the Lord. He told us to write them down daily. So I decided that's exactly what I'm going to do right here on my blog (for at least 21 days).
Today's tender mercy was so awesome! After a spiritual night at the temple doing Sealings for family (Uncle Louie I felt his love) I went to go pick up the kids from the babysitter. Well they gave me a movie I have wanted since we had rented it two months ago. My whole life I have always been given things. Though we didn't have much growing up, I never wanted for a thing. I always had the things I needed and often times I would get the things I wanted. I know the Lord knows our wants and our needs and if we remain faithful he will bless us!!!

1 comment:

Katherin Keddington said...

Sometimes you wonder if all you are doing is making a difference and I am here to tell you Katherin that your effort to follow our heavenly Fathers promtings has been a answer to my prayers As you recieve the promptings I am ready to as well and following you has help me find away out of my own emty Nest and pitty to a whole new life of selfless service .I love you and suport your efforts to have the the pure love of christ. Mom