Sunday, February 8, 2009

Day 2 Tender Mercies

Today my tender mercy from the Lord came as a result from service. I have these two ladies, a mother and daughter whom I visit teach. Well the Mother, Patricia has rheumatoid arthritis and has been confined to a wheel chair with in the last five years. Her daughter, Amy has special needs. Amy doesn't seem to lack any of the physical capabilities her mother lacks. So together they make up for what the other is lacking. After being around them I had got down on my knees to pray at the end of the day, I broke down into tears realizing that though they have this immense trial the Lord has blessed them tremendously with each other. I feel blessed to be in the presence of these sweet sisters. Patricia is an everyday gal who lived a very full life until these physical limitations were placed upon her. She doesn't want to be a burden on anyone. Amy is the sweetest person you would ever meet. She is so innocent and has an angelic personality that would keep you laughing the whole way home with a comment she would make. They are my tender mercy from the Lord and I love them!

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