Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Day 11

In the book of Alma in The Book of Mormon, chapter 36 asks us to cry unto the Lord. Cry unto the Lord for mercy, cry over your flocks and fields, cry morning mid-day and night, cry in your closets and so forth. Well after this it says but this is not all after you have done all this you can't turn away the sick, needy, poor and afflicted. Well today I had the opprtunity to bring a lady who is wheelchair bound to pie night. A friend of mine afterwards was like it is really nice of you to help them. At the end of the night this scripture rung in my head. How many times do we come acrossed others with special needs and have no thought of what they might need from us. I am grateful for this opportunity I have to serve these sweet sisters. I love them deeply.

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